Bloomingdale Calendar and Events

Home Visits

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

Home Visits, in person or remote, will be scheduled with your child's teachers Las visitas domiciliarias, en persona o remotas, se programarán con los maestros de su hijo.

Staff Session with Lesley Koplow

Our mental health consultant Lesley Koplow will meet with education staff to discuss communication with families of children with special needs

First Days of School – Phase in

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

Children are scheduled for shorter, phase-in days during which they get to know their classroom, classroom routines, and a few of their classmates. Monday September 9 2024: small group in […]

Professional Development Workshop on Autism

Workshop on Autism with Dr. Nonso Enekwechi and Dr. Frances Shin – professors of Child Psychiatry, at  Columbia University. Taller sobre autismo con el Dr. Nonso Enekwechi y la Dra. […]

Extended Day Begins

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

The first session of Extended Day begins today. You may read about Extended Day on our website here

Dads Take Your Child to School Day-Papás Lleve a su hijo/a a la Escuela

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

Date: September 24, 2024 Where: Bloomingdale Classroom Who: Fathers or Father figures Activity: Bring your child to school on this day and join other Fathers or Father figures in your […]

Mother’s Group – Grupo de madres

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

Introduction - getting to know one another 8:15 am 987 Columbus Avenue Introducción - Conociéndonos 8:15 am 987 Columbus Avenue    

Homework Help Begins – Comienza la ayuda con las tareas

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

Our program for the academic year 2024-2025 begins on October 1 Nuestro programa para el año académico 2024-2025 comienza el 1 de octubre For more information, see our web page […]

Bloomingdale Board Orientation

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

The Bloomingdale Board will be visiting the school so that Board Members can see the site and the program in action.

Parent Teacher Conferences-Conferencias de padres y maestros

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

November 4th 2024 and November 5 2024-4 de noviembre de 2024 y 5 de noviembre de 2024 1/2 day for children 1/2 día para niños Teachers will contact each parent […]

Mother’s Group – Grupo de madres

Remote 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Remote meeting 4:00 pm via Zoom Reunión remota vía Zoom 16:00 horas

Mother’s Group – Grupo de madres

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

Meeting in person at 987 Columbus Avenue 8:15 am Reunión en persona en 987 Columbus Avenue 8:15 am

Mother’s Group – Grupo de madres

Remote 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Remote meeting 4:00 pm via Zoom Reunión remota vía Zoom 16:00 horas

Mother’s Group – Grupo de madres

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

Meeting in person at 987 Columbus Avenue 8:15 am Reunión en persona en 987 Columbus Avenue 8:15 am

New Year’s Day – Año Nuevo

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

New Year’s Day - School Closed– Año Nuevo - Escuela cerrada el día de Año Nuevo

Mother’s Group – Grupo de madres

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

Meeting in person at 987 Columbus Avenue 8:15 am Reunión en persona en 987 Columbus Avenue 8:15 am

Parent Teacher Conferences-Conferencias de padres y maestros

987 Columbus Avenue NY NY 10025 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, United States

January 30, 2025 and January 31, 2025 - 30 de enero de 2025 y 31 de enero de 2025 1/2 day for children - 1/2 día para niños Teachers will […]

Mother’s Group – Grupo de madres

Remote 987 Columbus Avenue, New York, NY, United States

Remote meeting 4:00 pm via Zoom Reunión remota vía Zoom 16:00 horas

President’s Day-Día del Presidente

President's Day-Día del Presidente School Closed - Escuela cerrada No School for Head Start Classes - No hay clases para las clases de Head Start