When a child comes to Bloomingdale for the first time, or begins in a new classroom, they
may feel worried or unsure. Even if the child has been in another school, this school, teachers,
and classroom are new. What will happen? Will they have friends? Will their mommy or daddy
come back for them? What is this place, anyway?
Starting with home visits and phase-in, the teachers focus on getting to know each child
and family. They know that if the parents are comfortable leaving their children, the
children will feel secure in their new school or classroom.
Some things done at Bloomingdale that help children adjust:
waving goodbye to a parent on the monitor
bringing something familiar or special from home, like a stuffed animal or blanket
Drawing a picture and having a teacher listen and write down a child’s thoughts
holding onto a house key, so the child knows the parent will come back for it
taking a picture of the child at school to show to the parent
reading books about separation with the message, ‘you go away, and you come back’
Hugs and sympathetic listening
Bloomingdale children help each other!