Whoever You Are by Mem Fox, Illustrated by Leslie Staub
Whoever You Are/Quienquiera que seas by Mem Fox/por Mem Fox, illustrated by Leslie Staub, ilustrado por Leslie Staub
Chicka Chicka 123 by Bill Martin Jr and Michael Sampson,
illustrated by Lois Ehlert read aloud in English
Chicka Chicka 123 by Bill Martin Jr and Michael Sampson,
illustrated by Lois Ehlert read aloud in Spanish
Spot Loves His Daddy by Eric Hill
Spot ama a su papá por Eric Hill
Quiero a mi papá porque…I Love My Daddy Because… by Laurel Porter-Gaylord, Pictures by Ashley Wolff
All Are Welcome Here by Alexandra Penfold, Illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman
read in English and unofficial Spanish translation:
The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle
La semillita por Eric Carle
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See? by Bill Martin, Illustrated by Eric Carle
Oso pardo, oso pardo, ¿qué ves ahí? leer en español, con interpretación de ASL, por Bill Martin, ilustraciones de Eric Carle
We Are All Alike…We Are All Different
by the Cheltenham Elementary Kindergartners Photographs by Laura Dwight
Todos somos iguales…Todos somos diferentes
We Are All Alike…We Are All Different read in Spanish by Sonia Nova
Amazing Feelings read in English
Sentimientos increíbles leídos en español
Once Upon a Potty for her written and illustrated by Alona Frankel. Read aloud in English by Brenda Soriano.
Once Upon a Potty for him written and illustrated by Alona Frankel. Read aloud in English by Brenda Soriano.
Everyone Poops by Taro Gomi read aloud in English by Narcissa Silva
Todos hacemos caca por Taro Gomi, leído en voz alta por Sonia Nova
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats read aloud by Marilyn Scudder-Barnwell
Un día de nieve por Ezra Jack Keats leído por José Velilla
Ten Mice for Tet read aloud in English
Diez ratones para Tet Ten Mice for Tet read aloud in Spanish
Ten Mice for Tet read aloud in Vietnamese:
Plátanos Go with Everything read aloud in English, written by Lissette Norman
Plátanos van con todo read aloud in Spanish
Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews
Los diez puntos negros por Donald Crews