Partnering With Parents
Parents and teachers work together to address the needs and interests of the children. School and home are equal partners in their behalf. As parents move into the local elementary schools, their Bloomingdale experience is reflected in their active participation in school and community life; they in turn become resources for the program and its families.
Social Services
Bilingual Family Workers work closely with parents and families to address their concerns. We assist and support parents with healthcare and welfare issues and provide training opportunities and job counseling.
Parent Education
We offer educational opportunities and workshops that reflect the needs and concerns of our families. Parenting workshops take place throughout the year. Topics include health and nutrition, child development, intergenerational and relationship issues, and child abuse prevention. “Men Matter” offers mutual support and leadership development to fathers and other significant men in the lives of our children. The mothers group provides an informal setting where mothers can share and grow in an atmosphere of trust as they learn strategies they can use to nurture themselves and their families.
Employment at Bloomingdale
We offer employment opportunities within the program and make it possible for talented parents to further their education. More than half of Bloomingdale’s staff began their association with the program as parents of Bloomingdale children.
Leadership Training
We encourage parents to have a voice in developing all aspects of the program through their participation in the Parent Policy Committees. Parents participate in a year-long Leadership Training Program focusing on their children’s coming admission to kindergarten and encouraging their active ongoing involvement and advocacy.