General Information
The Bloomingdale Family Program serves 3-year- old and 4-year -old children at our site at 987 Columbus Avenue bet W 108th and W 109th Streets in Manhattan. Our 3K and 4K programs are free, funded by the NYC Department of Education.
Our Head Start classrooms are also free.
We offer an enriched early childhood curriculum that addresses the abilities and needs of each child. Children who can benefit from individual help receive one-to-one speech, occupational, and play therapy as part of their school experience. To ensure that our children continue to succeed and thrive after Bloomingdale, we offer after-school Homework Help as a support.
Our classrooms are bilingual in Spanish and English, and our families represent many different backgrounds and nationalities. Our Social Service staff focuses on the needs and aspirations of parents and helps parents take advantage of opportunities for education, training, and employment. More than half of Bloomingdale’s staff began as parents and earned their professional credentials with our help.
The links below will give you information about how to apply for your child, and will describe the programs and services that we offer. We look forward to meeting you and your child. Welcome to Bloomingdale!