We recently had a special visit from the DOE Deputy Chancellor for Early Childhood Education, Dr. Kara Ahmed, accompanied by Simone Hawkins, chief executive of ECE operations) and Peggy Dierks, chief executive of ECE learning and partnerships. With only the summer program for our Head Start students operating, they were not able to see our full program in action but that wasn’t an issue for Dr. Ahmed. She was once a teacher here, when our Executive Director José Veliila was the Education Director at our Columbus Avenue site, and she remembers us well. José had this to say: “It is amazing the impact Bloomingdale has on others, whether we realize it or not, for even the briefest of time spent here. It is truly a testament to this wonderful program and the people (board, staff and parents) who have and continue to make it a unique and special place to be.”
Read Dr. Ahmed’s impressions in her newsletter:
July 2022 Early Childhood Bulletin Visit to Bloomingdale by Dr. Kara Ahmed