Every year Bloomingdale graduates come back to the 4s classroom at W 109th Street to talk to the children about their experiences in Kindergarten. This year the 4s were joined by the 4s class from Project Growth on W 107th Street. The children made drawings of their questions, and there were a lot of questions:
- Are there computers in Kindergarten?
- Does the Kindergarten have toys?
- Where do you eat lunch?
- Do they have a table toy area?
- Are there security cameras in Kindergarten?
- Do they have a family area?
- Do they have a globe, dolls, or a castle?
- I love trains. Do they have trains?
- Do you eat lunch in class?
- Can you play with blocks and with your friends?
- Can you ask questions? Do you have to raise your hand?
- Do you sleep in the classroom?
- Do you brush your teeth?
- Do they have an art area?
- Do they go to the park, and do they hold hands when they are walking there?
The older children answered all the questions, and the 4s learned about school life after Bloomingdale. Then they all had snack.